Summary: | A wireless sensor network with control elements using the low cost and opensource
Arduino platform is designed and implemented in this di ssertation. The
concept of the Arduino was introduced in 2005 and now extends to a wide variety of
microcontroller boards and add-ons such as shields to suit di ffe rent requirements and
applications. The Arduino Uno, Fio, Wireless Proto and Ethernet shi eld s are used in
this proj ect. Wireless communications are achieved using the XBee module which
runs the Zigbee protocol, a personal area network protocol intended for wireless
sensor networks. Various sensors of light, temperature and occupancy were tested
and achieved mixed result s. The temperature and occupancy sensors worked well
and are found to be suitable for this project, but the light sensor on the other hand
does not perform well due to its inconsistency. The Arduino Fio was used as the
platform for the sensor nodes and data validation was performed to verify the
accuracy of the collected data. Control elements were also introduced into the
wireless sensor network to enable the option of controlling devices such as the air-conditioning,
lights and blinds. A mock-up model was constructed in the first phase
of the project and the LEOs and blind were successfully realized and controlled by
the Arduino. For the real-life test bed, a commercial motorized blind solution was
purchased and installed, and the accompanying remote was modified to enable the
Arduino to bypass the physical buttons to control the blind. The base station forms
the core of the wireless sensor network and is required to send data into a database
and to be able to receive control instructions from a server. This is achieved by
connecting it to the internet using the Ethernet shield . The Arduino platform proves
to be reliable overall for this application purpose and further development can be
conducted in the future to improve and extend its functionality.