Summary: | Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) is an emerging broadcasting technology and
internationally accepted open standards for digital television (DTV). DVB-T (Digital
Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) is a terrestrial digital video broadcasting
technology standard allowing network design provide a wide range of services, from
HDTV to multi channel SDTV, fixed, portable, mobile, and even handheld reception.
Passive radar is an emerging radar concept that utilizing non-cooperative sources of
illumination in the environment to detect targets without disclose its own presence.
This project is to study and design of a few types of antennas and filters for DVB-T
based passive radar demonstrator. In attempt to get familiar with the performance of
these two parts of DVB-T based passive radar systems, simulations using the state of
the art software are processed.
The mam characteristics as well as the comparisons and optimizations of dipole
antenna, biconical dipole antenna and half-arm biconical dipole antenna are shown
in the thesi s. The width of the dipole arm makes components to the bandwidth and
reduces the length ofmicrostrip line and dipole arm.
Hairpin, Corner perturbation, Center perturbation, comb and butterfly filters are also
design in this thesis. By adjusting the quadrant wavelength, the desired center
frequency of filter can be obtained.