Summary: | Cargo oil tankers are used in transporting crude oil to various parts of the world.
Crude oil is used in various aspects of daily life. This crude oil while transported in
cargo oil tankers demands some pre-requisites prior to conditioning the oil for ease
of pumping in and out of crude oil tank in ports. While transporting the crude oil
through low temperature seas, there is a risk of solidification of crude oil which
may possibly damage the tank. Hence the crude oil is heated using cargo heating
systems. Previously, the cargo heating was monitored by the captain of the ship and
the heating process depended solely on the experiences of the captain. Heating is
done by boilers and the increase in the amount of fuel used to heat up the oil leads
to an increase in the cost incurred in heating the oil.
As an industrial project in collaboration with the company American Eagle Tankers
(AET) Singapore Pte. Ltd, the main objective of this dissertation is to numerically
predict the amount of heat required for the crude oil to attain an optimum
temperature via CFD simulation techniques, in order to reduce the cost incurred in
the usage of fuel to produce steam from the boilers by reducing the consumption of
fuel used in the process of heating. The present CFD simulation is performed for
analysing the influences of various parameters on the heat transfer in cargo oil
tankers, such as seawater temperature, air temperature, air velocity and ship speed
by means of the commercial software - Ansys Fluent.
This study proposes a standard database involving CFD simulations. In order to
build this database, the studies of both mesh and time-step sensitivities are
performed on various tank configurations. In addition, the original model with steel
fins in the frames and the ballast tank and the approximated model without the
frames and ballast tank are compared to deduce their relative error. The relationship
between different ranges is established with respect to each parameter. On the basis
of this database, a data pool is formulated. In future, the simulation results obtained
from Ansys Fluent has to be validated with the test results and if exists any
deviation correlation studies have to be performed to reduce the gap between
simulation and test results. After minimising the gap between the simulation and test results, the database can be used to supplement the effective prediction of fuel