Summary: | Under military rule between 1988 and 2011, Myanmar was subject to opprobrium and
sanctions from Western countries due to its domestic politics and human rights situation.
The sanctions, incremental over a period of 23 years, were intended to push the military
junta to improve its treatment of the country's dissidents and minorities, and transfer
also to power along the annulled outcome of a general election held in 1990. Despite
such punitive measures, the military junta was overall defiant towards the West 's
demands and continued its repressive grip on power. This was in part due to the
regime's utilization of foreign policy to counter the effects of Western criticism and
sanctions. These responses rested on reaching out to alternate big-power patrons such
as China and Russia, small and medium sized friends within and beyond the region as in
the case of Thailand, Singapore and North Korea, and its engagement with multilateral
platforms, notably the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (A SEAN). This sheds light
not only on Myanmar's specific case of how it responded to Western sanctions, but also
on how a state faced with international sanctions might attempt to circumvent such
punitive measures by reaching out for third-party sanction busters in securing
diplomatic support, economic opportunities and access to arms.