Summary: | The need for environmental-friendly items is in increasing demand due to the amount of pollution we have today around the world. From companies to governments of various countries, implementing ‘Green Project’ to play a part in reducing and if possible, eliminating harmful substances or gases so as to create a pollution-free environment and ultimately, to reduce the threat of global warming. In the automobile industry, researches are done to improve on the emission system of the automobiles to minimize or eliminate the creation of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide etc. One of the solutions to these harmful gases is to adopt the use of an electrically powered vehicle, BEV (Battery Electrical Vehicle) which produces zero harmful gases when operating. This project is an activity by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in innovative work of an electric auto composed by the understudies. Electric auto are increasing high ground over the world as they are more eco-accommodating and discharge no destructive gasses. NTU's BEV (Battery electric vehicle) is an electric auto outlined & grew as an urban idea of Singapore having little geological region which makes it a perfect spot for adaption of electric autos. The author’s primary role in this project is to handle charging related problems; onboard charger, and EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment). The secondary objective of the author includes, modelling different components of the vehicle via Solidworks, machining various parts of the BEV, designing of dashbar and modifying the circuit of the BEV’s DC-DC converter.