Summary: | The marine and the oil and gas market is very important not only in Singapore, but to the rest of the world. The marine industry has been making overseas travel and overseas trade possible before the arrival of airplanes. The discovery of oil has benefited mankind with the ease of enabling transport. Vehicle and transport will not be possible without the discovery of oil. In this report, we will look into the technologies of maritime and oil and gas. The report describes about the cost, the trend and the challenges faced by the maritime and oil and gas technologies. The report will describe on the type of cost and the growing trend of both maritime and oil and gas technologies. The findings on this report are mostly on internet research. There are some book references used in this report. With the report, we will get a better understanding on the technologies in maritime and oil and gas. This report will be able to help the reader understand further on the cost, trends and challenges of the maritime and oil and gas technologies. Upon identifying the trends and challenges, we will look into possibilities and possible solutions of the maritime and oil and gas technologies.