Summary: | This Master Thesis is concerned with the transient simulation of microburst or wind
shear, a metrological event which had been the cause of many aviation accidents. This
thesis work is known for the validation and verification of the microburst of 2D and 3D
simulation of microburst with numerical solution by using the computational fluid
dynamics. By considering these factors, the thesis is progressed with the validation
process; the numerical solutions are verified with various experimental solutions to
affirm their accuracy and applicability. Then the s imulated steady velocity profiles and
characteristics of microburst are analyzed and compared with the time-averaged data
obtained from the experiments.
By the use of simulated data, more insights on the entire formation process and the
adverse effects caused by the wind shear would be revealed. It also contains the
animation of the respective verification process, shows how the profile fully developed
with flow under the certain conditions. The flows with respective velocity forms the
microburst under stipulated conditions are analyzed with various experiments under
different conditions. The obtained result data would useful for the generating the wind
shear simulation for the pilot training in parallel research.