Summary: | The rapid technological advancement for the past three decades was overwhelming. Many people are moving towards the use of advanced technologies to improve on their working and living style. After the electronics revolution, computers began making its mark on offices and home desks for more than 20 years, and so did the principles of paperless and electronic communications. Countless of companies and organizations are trying to reach the two optimized states, which is operating without paper as well as managing documentation in a smart approach. A “paperless office” is termed when a working environment reduces the usage of paper significantly, or eliminating the total use of paper. This can be achieved by converting documents and other papers reports into digital format. Companies and organizations are fascinated to the concept of a “paperless office” largely due to the advantages such as saving cost, improved space efficiency, boosting productivity, enhancing documentation and information sharing, heighten the security of personal information, and reducing the dependence on natural resources. In the past, the traditional office layouts are essentially paper-based filing systems. This implies the need of countless of filing cabinets, shelves and folders. Large areas of spaces and sufficient manpower for housekeeping are mandatory. On the contrary, “paperless office” comprises of computers systems which information require only a modest amount of local and network storage, all of which can be stored in digital form. An intelligent system for smart data management and digital documentation generation was developed to face this challenge. The purpose of the project is to design and develop a smart documentation generation by using Excel VBA to help the companies and organizations to fulfil the smart documentation, paperless and improve working efficiency and productivity.