Summary: | 本研究关注的是新加坡地区的华语,主要涉及两方面论述:(一)新加坡华语的形成机制;(二)新加坡华语的特征描写。我们将新加坡华语看作一个语言系统,主要探讨这个语言系统的形成机制。一般来说,有关语言各个方面的讨论都必须建立在语言材料的基础之上,因此,要理清一个语言如何形成,我们先要对语言本体进行准确、有效的描写。然而,现有研究对新加坡华语的特征所作的描写不够完善。本文期望做到从整体的结构去考察语音、词法、句法各方面的关联以真正理清新加坡华语的特征,这样对于特征的形成也才能理出个头绪。本文从语音、词法和句法三个方面讨论了新加坡华语有的一些结构,同时也以北京话作为参照,说明新加坡华语没有的结构。语音部分以声母、韵母、声调分类;词法部分着重讨论了轻声、儿化以及词汇语义;句法包括名词、动词、形容词以及由名词、动词、形容词组成的结构。新加坡早期华人移民的母语大多为南方汉语方言,主要是福建话、潮州话、广东话、客家话和海南话。闽语、粤语、客家话等南方方言之间有亲属关系,都属于汉语,而新加坡华语在结构上与汉语也有系统性的对应。在亲属语言之间发生接触且生成的语言在结构上有系统性对应这一点上来看,新加坡华语符合柯因内语(Koine)的特征。本文在柯因内化理论框架中讨论新加坡华语的形成:各种汉语方言变项在新加坡华人进行交际的言语适应行为中经过协商与妥协,最后融合成一个华人之间可以互相通话的共同语——新加坡华语。然而,在推论过程中我们发现,新加坡华语的形成机制不是一个柯因内化理论就能说明白的,也要一并考虑语言内部的以及语言习得方面的机制。Mandarin spoken in Singapore has been recognised as Singapore Mandarin as it varies from the Standard Mandarin in Mainland China in the aspects of phonology, lexicon and syntax. This thesis attempts to re-examine the emergence of Singapore Mandarin, along with which is a revision of the description of the features of Singapore Mandarin. In the early 19th century, Chinese migrants moved to Singapore from South China. They brought their own native Chinese dialects, such as Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka and Hainanese. Mandarin is non-indigenous to these Chinese migrants. They kept on using their own native dialects in daily communication. And, it brought about a richly diversified linguistic situation in Singapore. When speakers of different dialects come into contact, dialect mixing and leveling are likely to take place, of which the formation of a stabilized koine may be one stage. Since Singapore Mandarin emerged under the contact condition of several Chinese dialects, there is possibility that it involved the mixing of features of the different dialects, and led to a new, compromise dialect. So, is Singapore Mandarin a koine? Did Singapore Mandarin come through the process of koineization? On the basis of its phonological, morphological and syntactic structure, the following pages attempt to figure out how Singapore Mandarin emerged.