Summary: | This research investigates computational models and algorithms for
efficiently incorporating example-based techniques into traditional
physically-based deformable models to generate example-based dynamic
deformation. Simulating deformable model plays a very important role
in computer graphics and animation. While physically-based
deformation provides highly realistic effects, it faces difficulties
in high-level artistic deformation required in certain areas like
computer animations. On the other hand, example-based techniques
provide intuitive control for the deformation results by designing
examples, which easily represent the high-level intention about the
desired deformation. However, most of the existing example-based
techniques focus on static deformation and interesting dynamics can
be hardly captured. Thus, it is tempting to combine physically-based
deformation techniques and example-based techniques for modelling
dynamic deformation. Previous attempts addressing the problem either
suffer from computational burden or sacrifice physical plausibility.
The objectives of our research are thus to develop new computational
models and algorithms that provide the user intuitive example-based
approaches to control physically-based deformation, reduce the
computation complexity and meanwhile preserve the physical
plausibility as much as possible.
Firstly, we present a new algorithm to simulate example-based
elastic solid in real-time. The main idea is to make the simulation
subspace integration friendly. For this purpose, we formulate an
example-based potential using example-based Green strain tensors.
With this new potential, both the reduced conventional internal
force and additional internal force induced by examples are cubic
polynomials in reduced coordinates. The subspace integration can
then be developed with integration costs independent of geometric
complexity. This greatly decreases the time complexity and allows
real-time simulation.
Secondly, we develop an algorithm for construction of inversion free
and topology compatible tetrahedral meshes. This is useful for
generating valid example poses for our example-based elastic solid
simulation, which requires the tetrahedral meshes of example poses
to be inversion free and topology compatible to that of the rest
pose. We propose to warp the original tetrahedral mesh guided by the
deformation of its boundary surface. The algorithm is devised to
combine radial basis function (RBF)-based warping and adaptive mesh
refinement. We iteratively transform the mesh using RBF-based
warping with a safe stepsize to ensure that no element is inverted.
To avoid too small stepsize, we refine the elements that are
potentially inverted. The refinement is performed on the original
and the warped meshes in the same way so as to maintain compatible
topology between them.
Thirdly, we propose a new method to efficiently animate
solid or shell objects with
both forward simulation and spacetime constraints in an
example-based fashion. Our method directly extends the linear FEM.
We devise a new example-based potential, which is quadratic in the
deformation. Although less physically plausible than our previous
example-based solid, this new potential allows the dynamic equations
to be decoupled into single vibrations through modal analysis. Modal
warping can be directly adopted to deal with large deformation. Due
to the decoupling of the motion equations, either forward simulation
or spacetime constraints can be solved very efficiently.
Finally, we propose an efficient method to estimate the elastic
parameters of a solid object based on a set of deformation samples
of the object. We formulate the problem of estimating the material
parameters into an optimization problem. A direct optimization is
usually too time-consuming. We propose a method combining a new
material model reduction and a new shape model reduction to address the limitations of previous methods. Particularly, in a
sharp departure from previous shape model reduction techniques, we
build the reduced model away from the current deformation rather
than the rest pose. Our method can speed up the optimization and
also enhance the accuracy. To efficiently enforcing box constraints
for valid parameters (e.g. nonnegative Young's modulus), unlike
previous material model reduction, we only reduce the search
direction of the optimization to the subspace with material model
reduction while keeping the projection onto constraints in full-rank
space. Our method is much more efficient and less likely to get
stuck during optimization.