Summary: | 吴昌硕(1844-1927),清末著名海派画家,一生留有多幅肖像画。目前所知,共有10帧传世。吴昌硕肖像画涵括了其少年、中年与晚年时期,可视为一部个人微型自传。本论文以文图学为研究路径,探析吴昌硕的肖像画与题画诗之互文关系。本文首先解析肖像画的图面信息,论析画中所呈现的多面文士形象,以及物象的象征涵义。其次,著重于题画诗分析,探讨画家的创作动机,并分析题画诗的主题内容。最后,探究吴昌硕肖像画中的观看机制。吴昌硕的肖像画与题画诗,不仅反映了吴昌硕当下的心境,亦映照出他波澜起伏的人生图景。Wu Changshi (1855-1927) is a well-known Shanghai painter of the late Qing Period. He left behind many prominent portraits during his life time, which 10 portraits had been handed down to date. Wu Changshi’s portraits encompass different stages of his life, from youth, middle age and to old age, which can deem as his personal miniature biography. This paper aims to study the intertextuality of Wu Changshi’s portraits and the inscribed poems on the paintings, by using text-image theories as methodology.This dissertation begins with the interpretation of the pictorial messages of portraits and the discussion on the multi-faceted literati images, also, the symbolism of the elements in the paintings. The second part will be focusing on the analysis of inscribed poems on the paintings as well as study the motives behind the painter’s creation and the themes of the poems. The last part will be researched upon the ways of seeing in Wu Changshi’s portraits。 Wu Changshi’s portraits and poems not only depicted the current state of his mind, but also portrayed the ups and downs of his life.