Summary: | 动词类的词汇在任何语言里是很重要的一部分。而用手及物也是人们在日常生活中最普遍的动作。 然而,并非所有人对这些普遍的“拿”类手部动作如“拿”、“抓”、“捏”、“提”等存有相同的典型认知。这些“拿”类动词都共享一定的语义属性,中英文里的手部动词对应了现实生活中什么样的“拿”法呢?什么时候该用哪一个“拿”类动词?本研究希望通过各种“拿”类手部动作的图片,尝试探讨新加坡中英双语使用者对于“拿”类动词的习得与使用的状况。本研究将以“拿”类手部动作的图片作为主要测试材料,分别让年龄 3至 6岁以及 12至 15岁的新加坡中英双语使用者以口头或问卷的形式对图片进行中文和英文的描述。之后,我们将针对所收集来的原始语料进行统计并加以对比分析讨论,从而了解他们对于双语“拿”类动词的使用情况。在考虑到新加坡是一个双语社会的前提下,我们希望可以通过不同年龄层的中英双语者对于手部动作动词的使用和理解,从而探求他们是否对“拿”类动词如:“抓”、“捏 ”、“搬”等手部动作动词的典型认知有不同的准确度。若这些被试者对于这些动词有不同的准确度,影响其准确度的因素是什么?若没有,影响其准确度的因素又是什么呢?本研究也希望通过这个调查,了解新加坡中英双语使用者对于两种语言的状况,对现今新加坡双语的教育制度成效进行验收,并对未来研究新加坡语言教学方案提供一些线索。Verbs are a major category of lexicon in any language. As our daily actions consist of mostly hand actions, it is important for bilingual speakers to be able to use different specific hand action verbs to describe the actions. This study will focus on one particular type of hand action, namely, holding action, to examine Singaporean bilingual preschool children’s and high school students' competencies in using holding verbs in both English and Chinese language. It is an empirical study. Experiments are designed with different holding actions as the stimuli for the participants to decide what verbs to use to describe them. A minimum of thirty bilingual children between the ages of 3 and 6 as well as one hundred high school children between the ages of 12 and 15 will be recruited for the study. The first criterion for the selection will be that they are Singaporeans who are using both English and Chinese on a daily basis. Other criteria will be set as well. The objectives of this proposed study are to compare the holding action verbs in Chinese and English for the purpose of examining the Singaporean bilingual children's and students’ language competence in both languages and to explore the factors that may be the causes for bilingual children to use holding action verbs appropriately in both languages. The results of such a study can help language teachers to find strategies to let students understand how different the two languages are in terms of holding action verbs and why some of the verbs are easy to learn and others are not. Specific teaching strategies can be also decided based on the findings of such a study.