Summary: | Plastic bags are a major cause of various environmental problems, especially in terms of the waste that it generates. In 2011, 3 million plastic bags were used in Singapore, and despite the different measures implemented to reduce its usage, it still remains as a major cause for concern among the general public and policymakers alike.
This paper examines consumers’ willingness to reduce the usage of plastic bags in Singapore and draws some policy recommendations for reducing plastic bag overconsumption. We conducted a survey on 200 consumers to find out their willingness to reduce their usage of plastic bags when posters regarding charges, rebates, or environmental protection are shown to them, as well as the amount of charges and rebates required for them to do so. The Ordinary Least Squares and Ordered Logistic Regression models were used in our econometric analysis to study the effectiveness of the different options proposed. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was also employed to compare the effectiveness of incentives or disincentives to be imposed.
The results revealed that Singaporeans’ intrinsic motivation is central to their decision- making, and thus, the most effective policies are those that appeal to their inherent drive to protect the environment. Mandatory charges and rebates are also found to be useful, although the amount of rebates given generally has to be greater than that of a mandatory charge imposed due to loss aversion.