Summary: | Database systems which can store information of moving objects such as cars,
trains, hurricanes have come to attention of computer scientists since a few
decades ago. Secondo, an extensible Spatial Temporal Database Management
System (STDBMS), integrates data representation and query language for moving
objects into a single database system. Moving regions that change shape
over time have some information lost in the interval region because there are
time gaps in between the snapshot taken. Representing the in-between region
by interpolating them becomes a challenge, especially to interpolate complex
shape regions. A few papers have been published focusing on the Region Interpolation
Problem. In this project, we did a survey on Secondo Algebra modules,
therefore, we found out what are the functionalities available in Secondo. We
processed and imported region and trajectory data (E.g. satellite data and cyclone
trajectories) into Secondo to do data analysis and visualization. However,
due to morphing moving region restrictions in Secondo, it was not possible to
import the data directly, since it violates the Secondo restricted data model.
We studied how to overcome the moving region restrictions. Two state-of-theart
algorithms that are the solutions to region interpolation problems were converted
to Secondo format, tested and compared in terms of number of region
changes and visualization.