Summary: | Elements is a highly particle effects based film. The purpose of this film is to recreate a real life scene with elements that exist in our daily lives, with the usage of the elements of water and fire.
We approached this film in various mediums. From photos, to film and to real life recordings of fire and water, their movement in realistic environment as well as 3D animated shots in feature films and test renders.
Our aim was to create the element of fire and water with their own character and look under different circumstances and their primal instincts in a natural realistic environment.
We did testing on various software to find a suitable pipeline that our workflow would allow. That includes software that can handle particle simulations, and the ability to use Renderman as rendering software to produce our final film look. We went through software such as Houdini, realflow, fumeFX and TurbulenceFD. We finally settled on realflow for particles and water simulations, Maya fluids for fire simulations and Renderman as our rendering software.
The film revolves around 2 contradictory elements, fire and water, that we don’t usually pay much attention to when going about our daily lives. Located within a kitchen environment, these elements portray their own unique character through interactions.
The outcome of this project is a two minutes and thirty seconds animated film that has made use industry standard software to produce a not only interesting but also intriguing film that will push the effects boundaries in the syllabus of ADM digital animation stream.
Keywords: fire, water, visual Effects, Particles, Renderman, animation, film