Summary: | 本论文一共分为七章,第一章是绪论,第二章主要分为两个部分:第一部分简要介绍华商在华文教育中扮演的角色和殖民政府的华文教育政策。第二部分简述陈六使的奋斗历程和陈嘉庚对他的影响。第三章探讨陈六使如何迈出自办大学的第一步。首先从陈六使如何喊出办学的第一声和具决定性的第二声着笔,然后进一步分析,陈六使振臂一呼后所得到的各方正面和负面的回应。在赞成和反对的声浪中,陈六使如何让办学脚步继续走下去,也是本章探讨重点之一。第四章要谈的是:陈六使与新上任的校长林语堂,为何会发生激烈的冲突?本章希望能透过对这起冲突的分析,在从陈六使与林语堂背景、政治立场、思想、以及当时的大环境,来看两者发生冲突的因素。第五章提及陈六使等创办人于南大开学之后,即面对了学位不受承认的问题。他如何就此问题与两任政府(劳工阵线政府和人民行动党)交涉,两人政府如何看待和处置。第六章探讨的是陈六使与人民行动党就南大行政权的角力。这场角力战最后形成怎么样的一个局面)?陈六使的命运又如何?南大又有什么样的变化?本章都会一一探讨与分析。第七章是本文的结论。This dissertation is divided into seven chapters, with Chapter One being introduction to its subject matter and the overall approach. There are two parts for the Chapter Two. Part One discusses the involvement and key role played by the Chinese businessmen in the affairs of Chinese education as well as the colonial government's policy on Chinese education. Part Two describes the effort Mr Tan Lark Sye made for the advancement of the Chinese education, and how much he was open to the kind of the influence by Mr Tan Kah Kee. Chapter Three attempts at exploring how Mr Tan made the first move towards establishing Nanyang University (or Nantah) by first looking into his two appea the need of a Chinese university and the public backing to realize the goal, with latter being the decisive one, then following by analyzing the kind of responses negative as well as positive, to his effort, thus bringing to the focus point in further examining how he stayed the course, in the midst of pros and cons, in carrying on mission steadfastly. The Chapter Four will first discuss why Mr. Tan came into dispute, in the course of time in his determined approach. with Dr. Lin Yutang, newly appointed to the and then through the analysis of the incident, figure out the factors which contribute to the polarization in terms of their different backgrounds, political stance, thought or belief against the backdrop of their times. Chapter Five looks into the kind of dilemma Mr. Tan an his colleague were in an authorities did not recognize the Nantah degree, and the ways he negotiated the Labour Front, and later the People's Action Party governments respectively. how the authorities handled the accreditation matter with respect to their view Nantah. Chapter Six touches upon the conflict over the administrative issue of Nantah between Mr. Tan and the PAP government, leading to a kind of power tussle. This gives rise to a number of questions: What kind of situation was developed as a result of the conflict? What was the fate of Mr. Tan? What kind of change happened to Nantah? This chapter intends to address the questions through analysis. Chapter Seven will end with a round-up for the dissertation.