要約: | Reduction and minimization of greenhouse gases production on the Earth has been relevant to every global citizen. Every country has put in substantial efforts in keeping this practice on going for future sustainability. Greenhouse effect has caused the Earth to have an increase in global temperatures yearly, which majority of the contribution starts from the basic human activities and daily usage of electricity.
This project outlines the methods on integrating various components and functions together into one Smart Home Monitoring system such as monitoring household electricity usage through webpage or mobile applications. It focuses on both hardware and software implementations.
Basic hardware includes the main unit, with Raspberry Pi acting as the processor, which will control the component and tabulate the results, while the other components consist of Arduino, Wireless RFM chip and various sensors.
Behind the hardware is the software development, using Linux command for Operating System, C and Python programming language to construct the rules and action for the component to responses to, ensuring that both the measuring functionality and network infrastructure are working properly. In addition, results will be able to view through either mobile applications or web browsers via Google Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer, allowing user to have immediate access anywhere and timely.
Having being able to remotely monitor both power consumption and sensor status, it will be useful for user to ensure that the electricity usage is minimised.
Additional sensors such as motion, fire and smoke detection have been add to the system which is suitable for application in houses with elderly folks, especially those who are living alone. Considering the fact that elderly may be forgetful, and may leave the gas stove on after cooking, thereby triggering the fire and smoke alarms to notify their family member.