Summary: | Smart phones have evolved immensely throughout the years in its function. High
resolution cameras, color displays and better graphics have produced good quality image
and video through the phone. In additional, broadband wireless hot spots, GPS and
wireless network technology (3G, 4G, etc) enables us to access the net easily. With all
these made available, we can easily query for products or places through the net with the
image captured by the user without using text based search.
Mobile visual search application can be used to query images and the query result will
be displayed on the camera page. In addition with augmented reality function, the query
result is accurate and the response is fast. Augmented reality enables user to
continuously scan the image till a result is displayed and therefore the time for searching
is greatly reduced as compared to the traditional text based search. Further in the
application, user will be enriched with product information and also recommendation
and comparison of products. This in turn, can help to close the gap between the real and
digital world. [1]
Mobile Visual Search applications also pose a few challenges.
1. Query of images have to be fast in order to increase efficiency
2. Battery consumption while using the application
3. Robustness of object in terms of the shape of object and lighting condition at that
point of time
4. Handling of constrained domains
All these factors pose a need to further studies on the field of mobile visual search.