Резюме: | Over the recent years, the unmanned aerial vehicle has gained much popularity and it has
been widely used for various applications especially in the area of defence and security.
Although the development of unmanned aerial vehicles has many potential advantages, there
are still some existing drawbacks that are researched intensively.
In Singapore, maritime surveillance is an area of concern due to the difficulty in patrolling in
pervasive sea parameters and increasing frequency of pirate activities in that region. With the
consideration of unmanned aerial vehicle’s drawbacks, this study aims to propose a design
solution with the integration of a RC boat into the existing UAV design that can be used for
this objective.
With the understanding of its main components, different types of unmanned aerial vehicles
and radio controlled boat are explored. In order to innovate various designs of the prototype,
the use of systematic design methodology such as the functional analysis, morphological
chart and weighted value analysis are investigated by the student to brainstorm, combine and
After finalising the concept sketch design, the student went on to build and install the
prototype while conducting various experiment tests. As the unmanned aerial vehicle is
smaller in size, the boat has to be built in proportional to its size and this has caused many
challenges during the building process. These challenges includes the material selection, the
effective packaging of the electronic parts as well as the radio transmission interface.
Even though there are further improvements to be made in this study, this study had managed
to set the foundation for future studies to build on and to explore the other possibilities of an
aerial- aqua vehicle. With the various recommendation being listed in this study, they can help
to consolidate the different possibilities of the prototype.