Summary: | The diffraction limit in optical microscopy was identified 150 years ago, especially in the far
field due to the loss of evanescent signals that contains the high spatial data of the specimen. In
recent years, much research on integration of microspheres in optical microscopy have been
widely studied to tackle this barrier.
In this paper, a 2D FEM simulation study was performed to identify the parameters that assist in
achieving a sub-wavelength photonic nanojet using different designs of microsphere geometries.
The Full width at half Maximum (FWHM) latitudinal and longitudinal dimensions of the
photonic nanojet was numerically calculated and are presented in detail.
From the simulations, photonic nanojets with a width as small as 248nm, and elongated photonic
nanojets of about 27391nm (25λ) can be achieved. This simple approach can be used in
biomedical microscopy which desires fine resolution of nanoscale specimens.