Summary: | In 2010, our SAF implemented the Military Domain Expert Scheme (MDES) to
develop expertise in four strategic domain areas. Engineering was one such domain
area; the others being Medical, Musical and Intelligence. The career progression and
standards. While the current developmental framework provided familiar and proven
standards, it was not fully able to capture the aspect of engineering expertise
requirement and development for the Army Engineers under MDES.
A separate and dedicated Army Engineer Competency Development Framework must
be created to reflect the complexity involved in System Engineering and Project Management faced by Army Engineers in their career. The framework would cover two main competency areas; Engineering Expertise and Leadership Skills. The establishment of this framework aims to provide a clearer understanding of the
engineering knowledge & expertise required as an Army Engineer progresses through
the ranks. It would also take into account the growth of each competency area
derived from the increase of responsibilities of an Army Engineer as he/she progresses through the ranks. Finally, it would represent the necessary leadership style and qualities of an Army Engineer in dealing with the different levels of
complexity, risk and uncertainty.