Summary: | “章法”乃篇章内容的逻辑结构。通过对篇章架构的分析可求得其规则。关于李清照的研究不胜枚举,但至今还没有人对其诗词的章法结构作研究。因此,本文对李清照的诗词作品进行系统化的章法学研究。主要有四个方面,分别是情景构设、内外挪移、对比手法以及虚实描写。厘清李清照诗词中的章法有助于理解“易安体”的内涵。南宋时有不少文人效仿李清照诗词章法,这说明李清照创作中所体现的章法对后世影响颇深。Organization of writing refers to a logical and structural content framework. This feature can be concluded by analysing a piece of literature work. Li Qingzhao is the best female poet in Classical Chinese Litearture. Numerous research centralized on her had been very productive and comprehensive. However, none has been done on analysing the organization of writing of Li’s poems and Ci-poems to date. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to perform a systemic analysis on Li’s organisation of writing. The focus of this research will consist of four parts, mainly on the incorporation of emotion and scene; the aesthetic space; the contrast skill; the concrete and the illusory. Elaborating Li’s organization of writing would aid in achieving a better understanding of “Yi-An Style” (易安体). During the Southern Song Dynasty, many literati were imitated by Li’s organization of writing. This shows that Li has a profound influence that was significant and relevant even for later generations.