Summary: | 在全球化的迅猛发展下,许多企业向国际化发展,文化交流日趋频繁,跨国企业为了符合各国不同文化以及消费者的需求,选择采取全球本土化1的广告策略。据此,翻译手法成了关键,广告翻译的要求也随之提高:广告翻译不只需要达到广告效应,更是要符合受众国的文化。因此,为了翻译出新颖、创新的广告词以得到消费者的支持,许多广告商都转向创译,导致创译成了广告界的翻译新宠儿。创译跳脱以往的翻译原则框架,为译者提供更大的发挥空间,使翻译过程不再拘谨,译文也极具创意及有效性,因而大大提高了翻译素质。在新加坡,翻译不受重,导致翻译错误屡次发生,闹了不少笑话。创译所提供的创造性空间能够帮助提高新加坡的翻译素质,使新加坡人重拾对翻译的信心,因而增加华文广告的使用。据此,本文通过霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论、广告学的 AIDA 模式2等理论,重点分析中国麦当劳广告中所使用的创译手法如何达到广告目的并提高翻译素质,再将其学习点运用在新加坡麦当劳广告中,以显示创译如何能够帮助提高新加坡翻译素质,甚至增加新加坡华文广告的使用。Transcreation is the result of frequent intercultural communication arising from increased globalisation. Multinational corporations turn to internationalising their advertisement marketing strategy to stay competitive in the globalising world. However, the increased interaction between different cultures highlights the cultural differences, which multinational corporations would have to overcome to reach out to the consumers from different countries. This resulted in the “glocalisation” marketing strategies, where multinational corporations adopt strategies in attempt to integrate into the local markets, on top of the existing globalisation marketing strategies. Translation hence plays a crucial role in determining the success of these marketing strategies and this is where transcreation is relevant. Transcreation does not emphasise on the faithfulness of the translation. Instead, it focuses on the purpose of the translated text and allows the translator to “transcreate” so that the barrier of culture and language are transcended and the translated text resonates with the target audience. Due to this adaptation characteristic, many advertising agencies adopted transcreation as their translation strategy for international advertisements. In Singapore, Chinese translation is never highly regarded, as evident from the series of blunders in translation on official websites and town councils’ public notices. The use of transcreation may help to increase the quality of Chinese translations and the use of Chinese advertisements in Singapore. Through various theories such as Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and AIDA marketing model, this paper seeks to examine how the transcreation helps in increasing translation quality and use of Chinese advertisements in Singapore, through the analysis of transcreation strategies used in China McDonald’s advertisements and application of these learning points gained to Singapore McDonald’s advertisements.