Summary: | 自孔子以来,思想家所主张的“乐”思想一般是围绕着“移风易俗,莫善于乐” 的命题而提出。“乐”思想的内容包括音乐与情感的关系、音乐的社会动能、音乐的教化功能等普遍意义的一系列问题。由此,在以往对中国传统音乐思想的研究中,往往循着两条平行的线索。一条是对音乐本体思想的研究,另一条是对音乐教育思想的研究。但实际上,音乐也存在着自身的规律问题,以及音乐与天地万物的关系问题。而这些问题从本质上来说又都有相互连带的关系,值得深入探讨。王阳明主张“乐本于心”的音乐思想,体现出音乐本身的特性,并建立了一套音乐如何直入人心的音乐理论。因此,本文筛选王阳明谈论“乐”的相关话语,主要以“元声”和“中和”为基础来挖掘出他的乐论体系。从表面上来看,王阳明的音乐观念与传统儒者的音乐观点大致相同,但从内在的音乐特性来看,却有其独特性,尤其和其核心思想中的“良知”与“致良知”紧密相关,乐论和其心学具有对应关系。除此之外,王阳明没有忽视“乐”本身的艺术性,他的“乐”思想体现出艺术文化的特质,对于研究音乐思想或美学具备深远影响和意义。Since Confucius, ancient Chinese philosophers generally advocated their Music philosophy thoughts based on the proposition raised by Confucius, "changing the customs and traditions, there is nothing better than Music"(移风易俗,莫善于乐). The content of Music philosophy thoughts includes the relations between music and emotions, social function of music, educational function of music and so on. In the past, the study of traditional Chinese Music philosophy thoughts often falls in a parallel direction. Researchers either discussed about Music Ontology, or school of thoughts in Music Education. In fact, there existed the topics regarding the laws of music, as well as the relations between music and nature. The essence of these topics are interrelated, which worth an in-depth study. Wang Yangming advocated the thought of "music from the mind"(乐本于心), revealing the unique characteristics of music, and established a set of music philosophy theory. With this in mind, my essay intends to explore the study of music in Wang Yangming’s school of thoughts. By picking out key concepts relevant to the study of Music thoughts, my essay will focus on“元声”and“中和”as theoretical basis. Although Wang Yangming’s Music thoughts seem similar to the traditional Confucians’ Music thoughts, his unique music concept is actually closely related to his philosophy of the mind(良知,致良知). In addition, Wang Yangming did not left out the artistic quality of music, the study of music in his school of thoughts contains the characteristics of arts and culture, which is beneficial and significant to the study of aesthetics of music.