Summary: | 在日常会话中使用连词如“由于”、“因此”、“于是”、等等是无可避免,而“所以”这个连词更是经常被人们使用的。人们对“所以”这词的理解莫过于词典里所设定的定义,它的主要功能在于连接因果之间的关系。但实际上“所以”在日常会话中的使用方式并不完全与词典所设定的相符。通过观察,笔者发现人们在日常会话中使用“所以”时,“所以”基本上还是一种连词,保持着它联系上下文的功能,但联系的并不只是局限于因与果之间的关系。因此,此次研究笔者将利用收集到的语料,以会话分析的角度来探究新加坡与马来西亚华人使用“所以”时的情况。他们使用“所以”的方式以及“所以”能够承担的互动会话功能有哪些。本文的研究现象主要是在于“所以”作为话语开头单位。而这种现象可被分为两类,首先是听话人利用“所以”来回应提出表述的说话人,要求说话人为自己理清思路。再来是提出表述的说话人自发的以“所以”为话语开头单位,作为一个附加在自己之前所提出的话语的话轮组织单位,以延续自己的话语的方式来为听话人理清思路。但这两类现象是以三种不同形式出现。一、“所以+暂定理解,二、“所以+问句”形式,三、“所以+正解”。笔者希望读者能够从此研究中,所使用的会话分析理念与角度来认识“所以”在日常会话中的各种使用方式以及能达到的互动会话功能,并为华文会话分析研究尽一分绵力。
The use of conjunctive adverbs such as “as a result”, “therefore”, “hence”, etc. is inevitable in casual Mandarin conversations. One vastly used conjunctive adverb would be “suo-yi”. “suo-yi” in its lexical definition is a conjunctive adverb that connects two independent clauses and its main function is to connect causes to their effects. Hence, a vernacular understanding of “suo-yi” could be similar to “therefore” and its synonyms, such as “thus”,” so”, “hence” etc. However, this might not be the case in casual Mandarin conversation as the usages of “suo-yi” is not totally like how it is defined. It is observed that when participants use “suo-yi” in casual Mandarin conversations, the function of it being a conjunctive adverb remains. However, the context that “suo-yi” connects is not limited to just causes and effects. With the use of Conversation Analysis methodology and actual data, this paper aims to show the different usages and functions of “suo-yi” while it is being used in casual Mandarin conversations. The targeted phenomenon here would be “suo-yi” being used as a turn beginning object and participants demonstrated 2 types of such phenomenon in 3 different forms. Type 1, next speaker using “suo-yi” in the beginning of his or her turn as a response to the previous speaker’s utterances. Type 2, speaker using “suo-yi” in continuation of his or her previous utterances. Form a, “suo-yi + candidate understanding”, form b, “suo-yi + question” and form c, “suo-yi + proper understanding”. With the different types and forms of “suo-yi” being a turn beginning object, participants can attain different functions and actions in their casual Mandarin conversations.