Summary: | The objective of this research is to predict the Quasi-static indentation response and
damage in three-dimensional (3D) printed honeycomb based structures, and to
characterize the energy absorbed by the structures. In this work, the honeycomb
sandwich has been designed in the following three ways. Firstly, honeycomb core
along with its facesheet is 3D printed as a single element comprising of same
material for both core and facesheet. Secondly, advanced honeycomb core along
with facesheet is 3D printed, but with variation in facesheet materials which act as
composite plies and lastly, honeycomb core and fibre facesheet are 3D printed
separately and joined together using adhesive. Quasi-static indentation is carried out
using three different indentors, namely standard hemispherical, conical and flat
indentors. Acoustic emission (AE), a non-destructive testing (NDT) technique, is
used to detect the exact cracking time and the number of hits in the specimens
during indentations. After the experiments were conducted, finite element analysis
(FEA) was also carried out using ABAQUS/EXPLICIT for one quarter of the
specimen size. Symmetric boundary conditions were used in the FEA. The FEA
analysis and experimental results were compared and discussed. Results have been
discussed based on effect of the honeycomb design used, the influence of different
indentor shapes during indentation, and effect of the type of material used.
Results showed that when specimens were loaded under flat indenter, there was a
higher indentation resistance and force values were high, this also led to higher
energy absorption of the specimen. Specimens with single material and
multimaterial combination in facesheet almost showed similar behavior, expect the
fact that displacement was higher for multimaterial combination. As a result of
experimentation, honeycomb structures with fibre facesheet proved to withstand
higher force with a higher displacement and high energy absorption characteristics.