Summary: | One critical challenge Singapore is facing today is providing adequate and quality long-term
care for its rapidly ageing population. The state’s stance towards long-term care provision has
always emphasised the role of the individual and their family members as key actors in the
delivery of care. Although there is a range of supportive care services and accompanying
subsidies, family caregivers are still facing a multitude of challenges in fulfilling that role. By
drawing on the accounts of 8 family caregivers, this paper seeks to re-evaluate the beliefs and
values surrounding eldercare provision, and understand how state policies drive caregiving and
care seeking behaviours. This research suggests that 1) families still regard the provision of
eldercare as fundamentally their prerogative; and 2) current state policies do not adequately
address the contemporary challenges faced by caregivers. The findings also highlighted key
areas of need that, if addressed, would make caregiving a better journey. This paper will be of
interest to policymakers as findings can be used to implement new or enhance existing policies
and programmes to stay abreast of the changing demographics and needs of caregivers and their
care recipients.