Summary: | Cerium and yttrium stabilized zirconia (CYZ) ceramics in nano or microscales have
demonstrated excellent shape memory and superelastic properties. However, how to
scale up such small volume ceramics and bring it to engineering applications remains
challenging. In this project, we have used electrospinning method to synthesize the
small volume shape memory ceramics in nanofiber form and assemble the nanofibers
into centimeters long yarns and springs. The shape memory and actuation properties of
these macroscopic samples have been characterized and the effect of sintering
conditions and dopant concentration on the crystallization of the fibers and the shape
memory properties have been studied. Our results show that the sintering temperature/
time and the ceria doping concentration are the important factors controlling the grain
size and phase composition of the fibers. Higher temperatures or longer dwelling time
results in larger grain sizes but more monoclinic phases, while higher ceria doping
concentration can lead to larger grain sizes and at the same time retain the tetragonal
phases in fibers. Full cycle of shape memory effect has been successfully demonstrated
in the centimeter long CYZ yarns and the specific output force and energy measured on
the spring samples can be as high as 1155.90 N/kg and 3.29 J/kg, respectively. The
specific energy output/force output are sensitive to the grain size of the fibers. When
the grain size is ~150 nm, the output energy can be ~2-3 J/Kg. Out of that range, the
energy output is significantly lower. This work paves a way to scale up the small volume
shape memory ceramics (SMC) for engineering application and is the first study of the
macroscale actuation property of the small-volume SMC and therefore has advanced
the understanding of SMCs.