Summary: | Drones are originally defined as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs that
operate under varying degrees of autonomy. The definition of drone has however
come to cover Non-Aerial vehicles as well. Drones have a plethora of applications
that cover industrial, commercial, military and consumer related fields. The recent
advent of the easily accessible consumer drone, has paved the way for companies
like Parrot to create Jumping Night and Jumping Race drones for consumer use.
One aspect of drone autonomy has been to use computer vision techniques to enable
drones to gain a level of understanding of visual data via camera inputs. Computer
vision techniques provide ways to process and analyse visual information that the
drone can use to recognise objects and obstacles within the environment.
The project aims to create a multiple robotic system for the purpose of cooperative
exploration within a space. Using both the Jumping Night and Jumping Race drones,
they would identify a known object within the space and follow it. Using the
Computer Vision Library OpenCV, they would be able to identify a shape and colour,
specified within the algorithm and accurately track the object in question.
This report aims to detail the development of this system. It will include the
documentation of the equipment and technology used and the actual development
process. It is the goal of this system to provide an accessible means of exploration
via the use of such consumer drones as well as to be a guide for the further
development of these drones in this context.