Summary: | In today’s society, there are many visually Impaired aid navigation systems available in the market, which allow them to recognize his/her surroundings. These include guide dogs, sighted guides or electronic walking sticks to help them overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. However, most of the options are only applicable in outdoor areas, which limit them from experience exploring indoor.
I have proposed an iBeacon navigation system for the visually handicapped to locate themselves and find their way in or out of a building. In addition, they are able to navigate whichever destination they want to go by themselves. To build up the confidence of navigating indoor, user is able to seek the nearest helpdesk so to facilitate the usage of the application. The app is intended to bring fulfillment and independent lifestyle despite the challenges faced by their disabilities.
This project taps on the usage of a few iBeacons and mobile app to operate. It is designed to be as user friendly as possible and inexpensive so that it would not incur too much installation cost to the owner. At the end of the project, I have developed a prototype mobile app based on the requirement and needs of the user.