Summary: | What happens when one has repeatedly persisted at a task, but with all efforts met
with disappointment? Does this mean that one has purely not expanded a sufficient amount of
effort? How do we qualify or measure the “right” amount of effort? Can we even qualify and
measure the “right” amount of effort? And when exactly are we finally satisfied with the
amount of effort we expand, or does this amount of effort not reached so long as we do not
achieve our goals? This project aims to explore how the rigid association between effort and
success in some versions of incremental thinking can lead people astray: When the absence
or lack of effort is attributed unjustifiably to failures (e.g. poor grades, unable to achieve an
important life goal). In this study, we compared two different cultures – East Asians and
North Americans – on how they differed from each other in two different scenarios –
average-effort and exceptional-effort. Participants were recruited from Singapore (n=89)
and Canada (n=319) respectively. Results that are consistent with existing literature includes
the more intense negative and fear affect experienced by Canadians in comparison to
Singaporeans, as well as the negative correlation between grit and goal disengagement. This
study aims to look at the dark side of the incremental theory despite having existing literature
champion its advantages in various learning approaches. We have also included a section on
implications, limitations and future directions.