Summary: | In the 21st century, the worldwide mobile phone penetration have dramatically increased over the recent years. The usage of mobile phones has become an integral part of peoples’ lives. People are spending more time on their mobile phones while neglecting the need to keep a healthy lifestyle for their well-being. This leads to the increasing trend in obesity partly due to the fast paced modern life. Therefore there is a need to change the habit of everyday mobile users, to motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle without compromising much.
“Beat That!” is an Android app which aims to tackle the problem by promising users with fast effective workouts at home with minimal time and equipment to achieve workout goals. The app provides progress check, workout exercises and instructions as well as logging features. Through this app, users can lead a minimum active lifestyle without the burden of using long conventional workout routines. This can encourage mobile users to utilise their mobile devices in a more positive way which can help them lead a healthy lifestyle.