Summary: | A linear regulator is a device that can provide a constant output current or voltage. This report introduces the circuit design of a dual input negative linear regulator and the hardware construction of it. The circuit design basically consists of 2 sub circuits that would be integrated together to form the full circuit of the regulator.
The two circuits consist of discrete components that come together to function as one. These components include the transistors, capacitors, resistors and a few more. The components, when connected in certain configurations, form sub systems like the differential amplifier, voltage divider circuit etc. The relevant in-depth details of the components are covered and explained in this report.
Tests were conducted on the completed circuit and the experimental results obtained are discussed. These tests range from the working function of the sub systems to the output of the full circuit of the regulator itself.
In conclusion, the report covers information about the design of a dual input negative linear regulator and shows the relevant results of the tests conducted on the circuit.