Summary: | “The Becoming” is an science fiction, narrative about a young girl who sinks into an endless cycle of pursuing perfection after she undergoes a beauty test called, “The Becoming” which determines one’s status in the society.
The film sypnosis is as follows : It is the year 2046 in Singapore. Ava Lim Hui Shi, an 18 year old girl prepares to undergo the Becoming Test, just like any other child when hitting the prime of maturity. Under this test, subjects are assessed against preset beauty standards and henceforth sorted into varying social classes based on their results. Knowing her future is at stake, she attempts to contain her brewing anxiety after witnessing the other beautiful test subjects excelling. Her world takes an uncanny turn after receiving unexpected results.
The themes of this film are primarily focused on the perceptions of beauty and female objectification in society.