Summary: | Answering to the question of how Singapore hospital fulfills the increasing demand in the upcoming years, it is necessary to implement Industry 4.0 concept into the hospital system. Industry 4.0 is the next industry phase, which most of the industries/companies are trying to work on it lately. It implements a smart technology and a real-time, big data analytics to increasing productivity and reducing the cost to the maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
This project focuses on how to enhance the productivity of the pharmacists in checking and reviewing the doctors’ prescriptions, by automating the process whereby the pharmacists only need to use the operating systems (automatic) to do their duties instead of manual labor. The significance of this project is to reduce the patient waiting time by 80-90% (from 30 minutes to 3-5 minutes only), It also saves the user’s (pharmacist’s) energy and time in doing tedious work, as they can allocate their time for a more useful activities/tasks.
This project is a pioneer to make Industry 4.0 Hospital/Pharmacy system, starts with Changi General Hospital (CGH), Singapore. The project explores the possible wait time causes and suggests a solution to eliminate them by creating an app/software for CGH. Firstly, the logical flow of how the program/coding works is created, presented in flowcharts form. Next, the database needed to complete the auto-process can be created. With those findings, a prototype of user interface then can be created, applying the rules and guidelines in designing the user interface. The prototype shows the functional design only as well as illustrates how the program/app works.
This project acts a foundation of Industry 4.0 Pharmacy and will be implemented in other hospital/pharmacy as well in Singapore in the future after the completion and success of this project.