Summary: | Passive microwave components have wide-found applications in many areas
ranging from cellular phones, satellite navigation, Wi-Fi to the humble car locking
key-fob. With the entering of fifth generation era of mobile networks and a new era
of the Internet of Things, the range of radio frequency electronics applications is set
to increase, thereby introducing newer problems to solve. Performing experimental
studies to optimize a microwave circuit involves design of same circuit with
different length, width and spacing, often times increasing the cost. CAD based
simulations can simulate a microwave circuitry for wide range of design parameters
at no extra cost, thereby allowing us to optimize its components.
In the present work, three passive microwave circuits have been considered for
optimizing their performances subject to design constraints. The circuits considered
are; (i) impedance matching transformer, (ii) band-stop filter and (iii) band-pass
filter circuit. These three circuit components were designed using a coarse model
based Advanced Design System (ADS) tool. A suite of optimization algorithms
present in ADS tool were tested for quick convergence to optimal design value
subject to design constraint(s). The goal of optimization is set in terms of Scattering
parameter (S-parameter) whose value depends on impedance applied at input and
output ports. The design parameters are length, width and/or spacing of micro-strip
Analytical expressions are also derived to find characteristic impedance (Z0) of the
circuit using static approach to micro-strip analysis. Entire circuit is divided into
multiple segments; each segment is solved individually such that the result of next
segment is applied to the preceding segment until the boundary impedance of the
circuit is obtained. The impedance value thus obtained is analytically converted into
S parameter by multi-port network analysis and compared against ADS simulations. The design parameters that satisfy constraints in the form of S-parameter is set to
form optimum solution space from which optimal values are obtained.