Summary: | Chronic wounds are an increasing source of morbidity and mortality, especially diabetic ulcers which affects roughly 15% of diabetic patients. With technological advances in nanoparticles and biocomposite nanofibers, this in-vitro study looked into the possibility of using a combination of poly(lactic-co-glycolic-acid) (PLGA) and a TGF-β core to augment and assist wound healing.
PLGA/TGF-β was tested against a plain cover slip (negative control) and PLGA. The rate of cell proliferation, amount of collagen secretion, structural studies via 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) staining were compared between the 3 groups. PLGA/TGF-β was superior to PLGA and the cover slip in the rate of cell proliferation seen by an absorbance value of 3.30 units on the MTS assay against 2.61 and 2.62 on PLGA and the cover slip respectively. Based on the images taken after the sirius red staining, PLGA/TGF-β again demonstrated increased cell proliferation and collagen secretion. Lastly, the CMFDA dye showed normal cell morphology reflecting that PLGA/TGF-β gave rise to a suitable environment for the cells to grow in. Results of both the immunofluorescence analysis for expression of F-actin and also the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images are still underway and results will be analysed on a later date.
From the above results there is potential for clinical relevance and application of this TGF-β imbued scaffold to assist treatment of diabetic ulcers. Although the current findings are suggestive of a positive correlation between the use of the scaffold and improved wound healing, however further studies such as in-vivo studies including a battery of test have to be carried out first.