Summary: | Crowd simulation helps to predict the behaviour of the system and get information without interacting with the real system. By creating simulation with different scenarios, it helps to predict real-life situations, for example, simulate a situation when evacuation is needed within the virtual environment. However, in a real-world situation, to evacuate a location, proper arrangements with the Office of Development & Facilities Management of Nanyang Technological University have to be made, which is time-consuming as proper protocol have to be followed. Thus, simulation helps people to learn and take decisions from the output of the system. CrowdsTool is a generic crowd modelling and simulation system developed by Nanyang Technological University. In CrowdsTool, agent-based simulation is adopted. Agent-based simulation is where each individual is modelled as an agent which may have the capabilities to behave in the simulated world.
The purpose of this project is to replicate a situation using CrowdsTool with different mobility models where two agents are considered to be interacting with each other if they are in the same location for a specified period of time. Information collected will be used and analysed to check if there is a possibility that there are communication between these agents.