Summary: | We investigated the effects of past reward associations and preferences on visual working memory (VWM) by using stimulus sets which are more visually complex than those used in earlier studies. The other variable of interest is stimuli meaningfulness – specifically, we explored if VWM performance as a function of reward or preferences differs for meaningful versus meaningless stimuli. Reward was operationalised as a non-monetary incentive by way of a trial-by-trial performance feedback, while preference is measured based on participants’ rating on a 7-point Likert scale. In Experiment 1, participants were tested on their VWM of Liked, Neutral and Disliked stimuli – in every trial the memory display comprised all three stimuli types. Similarly Experiment 2 tested participants’ VWM for the High Reward, Low Reward and No Reward stimuli, and in every trial the memory display comprised all three stimulus types. Our results suggest that the current reward manipulation may have been too weak for effects of VWM to be observed. We also found that the effects of preferences on VWM is not the same for meaningful versus meaningless stimuli. Possible reasons for the above findings are discussed.