Summary: | 香港自 1997 年回归以来实行“一国两制”和“高度自治”治理方式已超过20 年。在这期间,香港在政治、经济和文化方面发生了的转变引发了香港市民不满的情绪,从而导致街头政治的崛起。2015 年 12 月在香港上映的电影《十年》预言了香港十年后(即 2025 年)的情况。电影中的五个影片除了讨论香港在教育、文化和语言方面的现况以外,也涉及香港人权、民主、言论自由等敏感政治话题。由于影片的内容引起港民的共鸣,因此被指是香港社会的“预言书”。本文将以电影《十年》作为切入点,从社会层面的角度探讨香港回归 20 年来的中港关系、民主与本土主义议题。在中港关系方面,通过影片《浮瓜》探讨“一国两制”与“高度自治”的政治体系、《基本法》第二十三条争议及中央《国安法》争议。其次,以《自焚者》为线索,剖析香港民主分期、真普选与雨伞运动以及港独议题。最后,从《冬蝉》、《方言》与《本地蛋》中探讨香港本土主义的三个方面:香港人身份认同、历史建筑保育以及语言与国民教课题。Hong Kong has been governed under the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” (OCTS) and enjoyed a “high level of autonomy” since its return to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has experienced transformations in the areas of politics, economics and culture. Some of these changes have caused much displeasure among the citizens, resulting in the rise of street politics within the city. Ten Years, a dystopian omnibus movie released in December 2015, generated much resonance with the Hongkongers. Set in the year 2025, the movie examines issues of changing education, culture and language in Hong Kong, and explores on topics such as human rights, democracy and freedom of speech under the rule of Mainland China. Using the movie Ten Years as a case study, this paper aims to provide an analysis of the transformations of Hong Kong over the past 20 years from a societal perspective. The paper will first examine the changing dynamics and political interactions between Hong Kong and Mainland China using the film Extra. Topics of discussion include the notion of OCTS, debate of Article 23 of Basic Law and Beijing’s decision to pass the sweeping National Security Law in 2015. The second part of the paper will elaborate on the evolution of democracy in Hong Kong. Topics such as universal suffrage, the Umbrella Movement and the issue of independence will be discussed using the film Selfimmolator. Using the films Season of the End, Dialect and Local Egg, the last part of the paper will explore the topic of localism in Hong Kong, specifically the Hong Kong identity, New Preservation Movement, rise of Putonghua and the National Education curriculum.