Gaia: | 一个国家的统治者能够以非强制手段在潜移默化中对人民进行意识形态的灌输。在新加坡的社会情景下,地铁站名称便是一种能反映意识形态与文化及追溯历史的媒介,而翻译在其中繁衍着重要的角色。新加坡地铁做为1965年独立以来,在经济发展和城市规划方面做出的重要突破,已经成为新加坡人民日常生活中尤为重要的一部分。其他地铁站名称不但能反映出新加坡的多元文化与历史,也是统治者能借以传达意识形态的有力工具。新加坡有相当一部分地铁站名称都源自街道名称,有许多学者都对街道和地方名称的由来进行了研究与分析。本文则从“目的论” (Skopus Theory)的角度着重探究新加坡地铁站译名与其意识形态的关联,并且尝试分析地铁站译名中的意义,看译者在受到新加坡政府这一“赞助人”(patronage)的影响下,采取何种不同的方法对地铁名称进行翻译,以达到其目的性。本文也将结合三个主要层面:(一)新加坡的语言和种族和谐政策;(二)新加坡政府所要建构的国家认同:以及(三)新加坡历史背景下的后殖民主义,进行讨论,以此探究新加坡独立以来的意识形态取向。A ruler of a country is able to subliminally implant in its people an ideology by non-mandatory means. In the social context of Singapore, name of MRT stations is a type of medium that can reflect its ideology, culture as well as history, and translation plays an important role in it. Since the independence of Singapore in 1965, the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) became a huge breakthrough in the area of economic development as well as urban planning, and it became a particularly important part of the local people. The name of the MRT stations not only can reflect the multiculturalism and history of Singapore but also became a powerful tool that the ruler can utilize to convey its ideology. There are a considerable number of MRT station names that are originated from streets names. Numerous academics have conducted research and analysis on the origins of streets, roads and places names. This thesis focuses on analyzing the relationship between the translated names of MRT stations and the ideology of the Singapore government from the perspective of Skopos Theory. It will also attempt to analyze the meaning of the translated MRT stations, looking into how translators under the influence of “patronage”, the Singapore government, use different translation methods in the translation of MRT station names to achieve its purpose. This thesis will also incorporate the following three perspectives: (1) Singapore’s policy of language and racial harmony; (2) the national identity to be forged by the Singapore government; and (3) post-colonialism under the context of Singapore history, to discuss and explore Singapore’s ideological orientation since its independence.