Summary: | In the 21st century, technology is developing rapidly, millions or billions of people in the world revolve and depending on modern latest technology developments. Hence, this has improved the world by providing a convenient platform on communication, daily tasks and many other requirements.
The most commonly exposed IT devices that we use are smartphones. Smartphones are one of the necessary device that people could not absent.
Now in the recent years, an increase number of children are getting heavily exposed to smartphones at a very young age. Parents allows their children to use their mobile smartphones for playing games, watch videos, listen to music and etc. to keep them occupied and entertained while they are busy or away. On the other hand, parents did not realise that this could lead their children to a higher chance of accessing to underage prohibited online sites, downloading unsecured applications, unsafe online chatting etc. Parents have let down their guards to think it is safe and secure for their children, without consideration of these risks, heavy and unexpected consequences if a scam or hacking occurred.
It is necessary to protect your mobile smartphone device with security measures to prevent such occurrences. Therefore, an Android mobile security application is developed for usage on Android smartphones.
This project aims to create an Android application to provide secured based monitoring and security installed onto their children smartphone for usage, whereas their parents are the administrator to set controls for tracking. It is developed using Android Studio and supported libraries such as Appcompat, Cardview, Recycleview. The supported API used is Google API and SQLite database helps to store data.
The project is delivered and implemented, testes is conducted for debugging and correction.