Summary: | Visualization is any method that is used to create images, diagrams, or animations to convey a message. Since the beginning of human existence, visualization through the utilisation of visual imagery has been a powerful method to pass on both abstract and concrete information. Examples from history include cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek geometry, and Leonardo da Vinci's revolutionary methods of technical drawing for engineering and scientific purposes. In today’s world, visualization has growing applications in fields like science, education, interactive multimedia, medicine, and many others. The aim of this project is to use visualization, in the form of an interactive web application, to capture the attention of students so as to help them better understand the concepts of a particular course. This paper describes the adoption of a developed web application as an effective tool for visual learning. The application focuses on the visualization of commonly used data structures such as “Linked List” and “Binary Search Tree” and their associated insertion and deletion operations. Data Structure is a module compulsory for all first year Computer Science students in Nanyang Technological University.