Summary: | Logic functions are combinations of different logic signals and conditions that create logical results. There are three basic functions, namely “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”. The topic of logic functions is commonly taught in the first year of an undergraduate course in Electronic Engineering. For this project, a Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) platform of Logic Functions was designed to assist students in their learning and creates a digital platform for them to apply what they have studied. This project aims to create a platform that generates random Boolean functions for students to practice their knowledge on logic functions. The platform will be able to generate two to four variables of minterm/maxterm questions for students to work on. Additionally, students can enter their own questions for the platform to solve. With this added function, students can check for questions they do not have answers for. The author has chosen to build the platform by creating a website with Javascript. Javascript, HTML and CSS are the three main languages used to build the website. A website was chosen as it allows students to conveniently access it without having to download an application.
This report includes information on the structure, design, development and coding of the TEL website. The testing of the website is also documented along with further improvements that can be made. The website created is able to generate from two to four variables of minterm/maxterm questions. Additionally, students will be able to input their own questions and the website will solve it for them.