Summary: | Virtual and Augmented Reality technology has become more popular in the recent years. Many efforts have been put into applying this technology to different industries and fields to help enhance the overall experience of user’s interaction. The objective of this project is to introduce this AR and VR applications to the tourism industry. Hence, An AR/VR mobile application is developed to serve as a platform for users to learn more about a place of interest online prior to their actual visit. Singapore S.E.A. aquarium was selected to be the case study for this project. Therefore, the AR/VR mobile application developed in Unity3D will be based on the selected attraction. In the application, user can use the S.E.A aquarium map as an image target to choose different aquariums for viewing. Each virtual aquarium will have a 360-degree view, and user can interact with various marine animals to learn more about them. Study will be done on the scripting for various features such as scene loading, camera rotation, user interaction, and the movement of marine animals. Recommendations for future progression will also be included in
this project.