Summary: | Due to the rapid growing rate of this world, the need for energy becomes one of the major topic in the current society. In this high technology world, energy demand becomes the part and parcel of our lives and society. It is expected that the energy demand remains projected to increase over the years. Since energy demand remains high, this resulted in greenhouse gases emissions which then led to global warming and increasing electricity tariffs to cater to the need of these energy demand.
This increasing demand has led researchers to reduce the reliance of our natural resources and to find and adopt new way of generating energy. Renewable energy is the success to this increasing demand and solar energy is one of the promising renewable energy that Singapore is investing on since the roof areas of the building are always vacant, so facilities management can install solar panel and invest on solar energy.
Problems will still arise even though with the assistance of solar energy, therefore there is a need for a management system to manage the load demand of a building. In this project, BEMS will be designed to simulate a smart building in this modern world. BEMS uses technology such as DSM to control the load demand of a building by applying Load Shifting, Peak Clipping based on the priority of the load. LabVIEW 2015 is the software used in this project to simulate BEMS because it is a graphical software program that allow users to cater to their needs.