Sumario: | This project designs and analyses a contact-based inspection tool for the use of inspections on infrastructure. It starts by providing a brief introduction on what is currently used by inspectors, what the author plans to do, followed by a couple of theoretical frameworks and methods, application and previous works which were already done and lastly applying and taken into consideration what is mentioned in previous chapters. From chapter 2, the literature review, the author had reviewed the some fundamental laws and equations which will be used in the subsequent chapter and also what are the theoretical frameworks and method currently used in this area of infrastructure inspections. He had also reviewed what had already been done or is currently doing in the field of studies to help improve the current framework or method. In chapter 3, Tool design and experimental setup, the author put together a design based on several consideration from the finding in the previous chapter and did several experimental testing followed by the application of the theoretical equation to analyse the results gathered. In the final chapter, chapter 4, conclusion, the author made a conclusion and also identified areas which the project needed further research work and experimental testing.