Summary: | This report covers continuous adoption, which is part of the group project as mentioned above. Adoption of APLs refer to the use of APLs by consumers. It is important to study continuous adoption to understand how to encourage usersto continue using APL. The objective of this report is to find out what influences consumers’ continuance behaviour in the long-term, which helps industry players craft strategies to promote the continuous usage of APLs. In addition, comparisons will be made with initial adoption to find out if there are any significant changes in consumer adoption behaviour. Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory is applied to examine consumers’ continuance intentions. Qualitative analysis was conducted through interviews with industry players and consumers to bridge the gap between consumer’s demand and what industry players provide. A survey was conducted with 83 users of APL and multiple regression analysis was applied to examine consumers’ continuance intention. Key findings showed that compatibility, complexity and trialability are significant factors in influencing continuance intention whereas relative advantage and observability are not. In addition, overall experience and expectation of experience are significant considerations that influence consumers’ continuance intention. Suggestions were constructed based on the findings from surveys and interviews which could serve as a reference for industry players to strategise the implementation of APLs. Collaboration between online retailers & logistics providers, collaboration among logistics providers and implementing loyalty programs were some suggestions proposed to encourage continuous adoption. Future studies can be done to examine the change in consumer behaviour of users and what industry players can do to build consumer loyalty towards APLs.