Summary: | With the rapid advancement of science and technology, IoT networks have gradually
grown to larger scales. In the recent years, overall structure of IoT network has become
more complex, and the abnormal behavior of networks has also become increasingly
complicated. In order to better improve the effectiveness of the IoT network to prevent
anomalies, it is necessary to accurately study and analyse the abnormal behavior of
network when anomalous behavior occurs, as well to solve and prevent the anomalies that
exist in the network, thereby reducing their impact. This dissertation focused on the
detection of abnormality with Wireshark and packet analysis system. An alert system also
be developed to make an alert when abnormality happens. In order to be more suitable for
IoT network, some IoT data is collected and analysed. From the data obtained, the network
features can be used to detect the abnormality. Wireshark which is a freeware is then used
to evaluate some conclusions about network packets. To improve efficiency and to reduce
time delay, the packet analysis system is introduced to receive the network flow and to
analyse data in real time. This will do away with human intervention to allow system
automation. After detecting the abnormality of the IoT network, an alert system needs to
inform the person in charge to resolve the problem. The system can play the alert music,
pop up an alert window and print the alert information on the screen.
With the conclusion of data analysis, the trust list can be set up to ease further development.
With the two detection methods (the Wireshark detection and the packet analysis system)
and the alert system, the IoT network abnormality will be detected easily and resolved