Summary: | The security of data information is the most concemmg parameter for memory
devices design contemporarily. Many protective actions or mechanisms are
implemented to enhance the robustness of the memory against the externally
unauthorised access. Tamper response apparatus is the most prevailing measure
which erases the whole stored data instantly in case of any detected threat. However,
due to the transistor's intrinsic electrical characteristics, all the memories especially
non-volatile memory like SRAM severely suffers from the imprinting effect and
leaves the high risk of data stolen. The conventional countermeasures are susceptible
to both physical and non-invasive attacks. In addition, high area consumption and
power overhead are also inevitable deficiencies of these designs.
Because SRAM are commonly used to store the sensitive, secret or confidential data
in practice, the novel 22-T SRAM architecture are introduced and tested in this thesis.
The designed SRAM effectuates bit flipping operation during stand-by mode
individually so as to balance the charge strength at each transistor's gate. Moreover,
the reset circuit is also included in cell structure in order to realize high speed erasure.
The lKB SRAM chip is operating at 1.2V supply voltage at 25°C and final
fabricated on GF 65nm technology. The details around the testing flow design are
also elaborated in this thesis.